
Download our guide to understand common differences in data across the platforms and explore possible causes.

Many marketers are scratching their heads as they compare their GA4 data and historical GUA benchmarks. They are noticing that the data does not always match up across the platforms and are left wondering why.

Though some difference in data is to be expected since GA4 is a complete redesign of GUA, it can still be a confusing, and sometimes concerning, experience as you assess performance. But not to fear, our new GA4 and GUA can help you understand and navigate these differences.

Download the guide for a quick summary of differences you may encounter as you compare data across the platforms, including a few possible factors driving the differences. You’ll learn why things like bounce rate, user count, sessions, and other key metrics may not always line up across the platforms and you’ll uncover a few tips to help maximize the impact and value of GA4.

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