
Google recently announced that they have delayed third-party cookie deprecation until early 2025, citing the need for more time to reconcile divergent feedback from the industry, regulators and developers, and the need to provide the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) with enough time to review the results of market tests.

This delay offers marketers valuable time to double-down on their plans for 3P cookie deprecation. It should not be used as a reason to deprioritize preparation, but rather as an opportunity to implement 1PD strategies, explore Google’s cookieless solutions, and evolve measurement approaches.

Focusing on these areas will help marketers get ready for 3P cookie deprecation in Chrome while also transforming and futureproofing their organizations more broadly. Here’s why:

1PD & Marketing Transformation

1P data will be foundational for marketing transformation and success in years to come.  

By building large and active 1PD data sets marketers can help to offset the loss of 3P cookies, maintaining reach and maximizing media and marketing performance, while also building rich pools of information that help them better understand and engage with consumers.

Durable Solutions in Google Marketing Platform

As marketers adapt to the extended timeline and prepare for a 1PD future, they should also explore durable solutions within the Google Marketing Platform (GMP).

Features like Enhanced Conversions, Google Analytics 4, Advanced Consent Mode, and Google Tag reduce reliance on 3P cookies and scale the value of marketers’ 1PD. Built with privacy at their heart, these durable solutions support long-term performance beyond signal loss.

Cookieless Measurement

The deprecation of 3P cookies makes it increasingly difficult for brands to measure marketing effectiveness.

To address this challenge, marketers should explore measurement solutions with low reliance on 3P cookies. For example, they can use the additional time to test solutions like marketing mix models, incrementality testing, and regression-based attribution. All of these approaches can help marketers understand the impact of their efforts on sales and revenue in a post 3P cookie world and can help support long-term growth

More Resources

Ultimately, Google's postponement of 3P cookie deprecation represents an opportunity for marketers to position themselves for success. There is more time to prioritize, implement, and test solutions and strategies that will be critical for success in a cookieless and privacy-focused world.

Explore our latest content for additional resources that can help you make the most of the additional time:

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