
Deploying Google Analytics’ Cookieless Capabilities for a Leading Tech Company

Achieving Key Performance Indicator Targets

A leading technology company needed a solution that would take advantage of integrations in the Google Marketing Platform and the potential of the insights created by Google Analytics 360 – while also improving their media performance.


Our client wanted to integrate behavioral segmentation directly into their media efforts through GMP, as well as use the cookieless capabilities of Google Analytics. It was also important for our solution to fit within the client’s existing marketing measurement framework, in which priority actions taken on the site were directly tied to key performance indicators.


We partnered with the brand’s media agency to create and deliver a comprehensive roadmap and plan for implementation. Our approach included:

  • A measurement framework that met the client’s high-value engagement needs
  • Detailed technical specifications supporting their developers to refine the build
  • A plan for client migration to GA4 in Q1 with an eye on first-party data collection and future-proofing for the deprecation of cookies
  • Direct integration with the client’s GMP investments

Acceleration@MediaCom delivered a complete implementation solution to our client. The deployment and technical integration roadmap and implementation enabled our client to reap the benefits of cookieless marketing and media impact immediately.

Our approach added direct value to the client’s marketing efforts through a strategic measurement framework, asynchronous deployment and an improved ability to create strategic segments for powerful media activation. We worked closely with their adtech and IT teams to implement GA360 and focus on capabilities that aligned with their high-value engagement model.

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