
Our footwear and apparel client needed a sophisticated and durable attribution solution to fill in gaps left by fractured customer journeys, in-store sales, and shrinking cookie data.​

Previous measurement efforts, like traditional MMM, had latent outputs that did not consider retail's short consideration cycle.​

To address this, Acceleration provided a Multi-Model Attribution (MMA) solution that allowed for agile responses to market shifts and rapid validation of media investment allocations.

A Bespoke Solution 

Leveraging three measurement solutions, we created a trusted, granular, and timely view of media impact that enabled faster validation of the investment strategy. 

The bespoke solution included:

  • Attribution to show the impact of marketing touch points on ROAS using in-store, web and app sales, and media investment data. Outputs were visualized in a user-friendly Looker Studio dashboard.​
  • Causal Impact Model to provide independent validation of attribution output.​
  • Incremental Lift Study to further validate the attribution output and measure lift that would not have occurred without marketing activity.
Empowering Transformation 

The solution reinforced the brand’s investment strategy while also building long-term capability. 

It transformed the brand’s approach to attribution, supplementing their traditional methods with a bespoke and rapid solution for more nuanced attribution:

  • Our output showed the brand would not have seen $12.9M in sales had media activity not been active during the treatment period. ​
  • The solution delivered an 83% reduction in time to insight with a monthly results refresh vs. 6+ month MMM wait.​
  • The solution enabled a new capability for faster and more nuanced attribution for complex, consumer journeys while also creating opportunities to test “what if” investment scenarios.
  • The solution demonstrates the powerful capabilities of GCP by combining complex data sets and enabling a rapid time to completion.
Is Multi-Model Attribution Right for Me?

Have a customer journey that is hard to measure? Many brands have complicated customer journeys that involve multiple points of consideration or long sales cycles. Industries like automotive, B2B, healthcare, pharma, real estate, finance, education, and others have difficulty attributing the real value of their marketing efforts for these reasons. Additionally, many brands who are using Regression Based Attribution (or other methods overly reliant on historical data or on finding commonalities in behavior patterns) could be overlooking the true value of each marketing touchpoint.

Multi-Model Attribution, which incorporates alternative models such as algorithmic or multi-touch, and real-time technology-driven capability, provides solutions to these challenges through a much more nuanced, comprehensive, and timely view of your customer journey.

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